A marble fireplace is a beautiful natural addition to any home. You may have inherited it with the purchase of your home, or you may have decided to install one yourself, old or new? However you have ended up as the proud owner, care and maintenance of your marble fireplace is of utmost importance.

Fireplace Safety & Maintenance
It is really important that your “flue” works properly, otherwise smoke may not be able to escape out of the chimney and as a result it may fill your home creating dust, fire and noxious fumes. It will also prevent your fire from burning efficiently. So, if you have moved into a home with a marble fireplace or renovated an existing one, its is advisible to have your chimney swept professionally.
If you have decided to join the current trend for wood burning stoves, you should also have your chimney lining checked and if necessary a “smoke test” carried out to make sure your stove will burn both safely and efficiently.
Equally, a gas fire will require regular maintenance and you should go through the manufacturer’s guidelines to understand the servicing requirements and safety recommendations. Using a carbon monoxide detector in you house is also advisable for the safety of your family.
Care of Your Marble
Your marble fireplace itself may be smoke or fire-stained and will therefore require some treatment to restore its original appearance. You should arrange to clean your marble fireplace once or twice a year. You can easily find “Smoke Removers” in the market which can accomplish the job efficiently or employ a professional experienced marble cleaner. Marble can be cleaned of stains well with the help of a poultice.